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Another milestone in the development of the Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) has been achieved with the online posting of its newly developed course materials. The materials are available through COL's website, which provides free access to these university-level courses, along with many other courses.

The VUSSC course materials were developed at a series of pan-Commonwealth workshops facilitated by COL. Over the past two years, the Governments of Mauritius, Samoa, Singapore and Trinidad & Tobago have hosted VUSSC workshops to train educators in information and communication technology (ICT) skills. Participants at the workshops began to create course materials, continuing their collaboration after returning home.

More than 80 people have taken part in VUSSC workshops, and many have engaged in training others in the skills they have learned. For instance, workshop participants from Maldives hosted a workshop on eLearning and wiki skills for 20 educators at the Maldives College of Higher Education, and a three-year course on eLearning teaching and training for educators will begin in Maldives in July 2008. The ministries of education of Seychelles and the Bahamas have agreed to host the fifth and sixth VUSSC workshops in 2008.

At the most recent content development workshop in Samoa, 25 educators from 13 countries began to develop course materials in the area of Disaster Management. The course focuses in large part on mitigating climate change as an integral part of disaster management. After learning ICT skills, the workshop participants turned their focus to creating over 200 pages of learning materials on the topic.

The course materials developed at all four workshops are being converted into course modules using COL's Instructional Design Template. The courses are now freely available in multiple formats on COL's website. Institutions, educators, students, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), governments and lifelong learners can download the materials, customise and use them in their own programmes.

  The course modules on COL's website include:


Entrepreneurship and Tourism,


Professional development of educators for practicing professionals,


Life skills for school teachers and counsellors, and


Disaster management for entry-level university students and professionals in the  appropriate agency.


VUSSC is helping 30 of the world's smallest states to build development capacity and strengthen economies through improved education. Facilitated by COL, VUSSC also receives financial support from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation. Development agencies and others that are interested in providing funds to support course development and future content development workshops for educators from other small states of the Commonwealth are encouraged to contact COL.


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Last modified: 06/08/08
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